Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Because She Asked Me To

Kate: I gotta piddle

[Kate returns, dry heaving and holding up a sideways gang sign that resembles a the peace sign, or a number two, or a vagina.]

Me: I'm so confused. J#2?

Kate: stall #2


Kate: almost just barfed
i went in
and the culprit was still in the b-room
and so i couldnt just walk out of the stall
but she signed the bowl

Me: [Laughing hysterically] it was a piece of art

Kate: and i started gagging
and had to close my nose
and then the thought of breathing in poop air from my mouth
made me gag more
and then i cupped my hands over my nose and mouth
and tried to blow minty air up my nostrils
i probably peed all over myself
but i just needed to get out
can you blog about this later?

Me: I'm shaking [still laughing hysterically]

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