Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I like my men how I like my coffee...

...Ground up and in the freezer.

That's not true, but the expression cracks me up. And I thought of it when I was walking back in from the parking garage after lunch, with a "Iced Venti Unsweetened Black Coffee" from Starbucks in my hand. Some guy asked why I don't use cream or sugar and I told him it's because I like my coffee to be as black and bitter as my soul. I laughed, but he didn't find it funny. I love Kennett Square people and their (non)senses of humor.

I'm feeling EXCESSIVELY needy lately. To the point where its annoying me, so I must be driving everyone else completely batty. Sorry about that.

Maybe its a product of yesterday being the Autumnal Equinox? I am sad to see summer go, and I don't really look forward to getting colds/the flu this winter, being stuck inside because of stupid snow, dark time coming at 4:30 p.m., layering my clothing, or paying higher car insurance rates just in case Beastie and I go flying off a cliff during an ice storm. My birthday* is in less than a month and I'm thismuchcloser to 30. Not that I care, but everyone else keeps bringing it up and its making the last few years of my 20's feel terminal.

I am compulsively hanging out with my people, and frantically trying to meet new people, which makes me appear like I have a hard time being alone. That's not to say my hanging out with you, if you've been one of my victims of the last week or so, isn't a sincere and genuine act; just that I look forward to being not alone more so than usual. The usual is: I adore and look forward to my Jojo time.

Its probably because last week, and this past weekend have been a whirlwind of activity, big work events, visitation from several dear friends, and general good-busy times. This, following of course, my week of solitude with the infection scare. (Ugh. It's still not all gone, but I'm getting there.)

Cool, so by writing this, I've effectively done a self-analysis and realized I'm not nuts, I'm just coming off a packed-schedule-high, and am having trouble re-adjusting. Buck up, Joj', you'll be fine in no time.

*I have a premonition that my birthday this year (as always) is going to be spectacular. My dearest friends take excellent care of me, and make me feel loved. They do their best to hide their plans, and make the events a surprise. With that said, they all suck at keeping secrets and I usually find out what’s going on.

Here’s what I know so far:

- Hot Chip on 10/5

- Frightened Rabbit on 10/17

- Fondue

- A “night club” (The last time I went dancing on my birthday, I broke bones.)

- Victory/Chelsy’s/Four Dogs

All this in just 3.5 short weeks!

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