Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WarFace: Game On

Two of my dear friends, BoneJunior and Kate, have gotten themselves into some sort of long-distance sparring over MagnumPI and his vacation.  The saga continues as Magnum PII has reveled himself in the confines of our office in Kennett Square, seemingly protesting the vacation that MagnumPI is taking with BoneJunior in Utah. 

BoneJunior, it seems that MagnumPii has struck back.  Again. 

After a snow day yesterday, where only one person made it to the office (Kate) because she's a re-re, I found a peppering of photos from her in my email, of MagnumPii with friends.  Friends he met on my desk.  This evil doppelganger of the original Magnum continues to terrorize the PA sector with his foul stench and crafty permanent-skid-marks on curious & stealthily placed post-it notes. 

The feeling I received while viewing the photos was one that I would liken to ...being away on vacation, and watching national news footage of your home burning to the ground: Violation, desperation, and general helplessness. 

Anyway, here's the visual, for your enjoyment:

Snowbot did a fantastic job of guarding against the defiling our faces. 

Dangerously close to skidmarking on the mini-stand-up Elvis. 

Ironically, the above mini-replica of Rob (as Bigfoot) was a birthday gift from BoneJunior.  He knows it, too, see how he asserts domination.

Perhaps today will bring another chapter in the developments of Magnum and his evil twin.  Perhaps not.  I post here as evidence to you that I have no life and continue to live vicariously through Inanimate objects:  A marker, and his twin, and the travels and epic drama that ensue once my friends become involved.

Stay tuned... 


the w. ford brimlinite said...

dear bonejunior,

it's flippin ON.



Bone Junior said...

dear kate -

your doppleganger's gonna get effed up.


bone junior