Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I normally wouldn't be taking a poll in order to change my personal appearance. You know how I am, I am good with anything... I'm not worried about looking stupid, but I DO want to feel attractive apres la coupe.  

The general feedback I've received upon telling people I plan to cut my hair super short again has been less than favorable. And that kind of makes me sad.

I was going to do something similar to this, longer in front of my ears, and a cute little tail (for lack of a better descriptor) in the back:

I would like to hear your thoughts. Yay or Nay? I'm making an appointment at a place in the city on my birfday, so help me out and let me know soon.

Jojus Christ


Bone Junior said...

I'm a little confused...who's hair am I looking at - the stylist or the client??

LecNessMonster said...

HAHAHAHA! The client! I have no interest in looking like Peter Pan.